Small batch distilleries have been growing in popularity over the past 10 years or so, and with good reason. As consumers become more discerning and desire quality over mass-manufactured goods, it has given rise to a demand for more unique and quality-driven products. This has given many smaller distilleries the opportunity to gain a foothold in a highly competitive market and build a clientele of loyal customers that are looking for excellently crafted liquor, backed by companies with an ethos which aligns with their own. Many spirit drinkers seek out small-batch suppliers and have their own personal favorites when it comes to alcohol like moonshine, whiskey, and bourbon. 
So why is small-batch liquor so appealing? Here are just a few of the reasons. 

1. Authenticity

Consumers care just as much about who they buy from as what they buy. Small batch distilleries frequently feature a story or a journey of how it came to be that is highly relatable, creating a connection with customers that goes beyond that of buyer-supplier. Small batch distilleries possess an appeal that is tough for large scale manufactures to compete with, and with consumer sentiment shifting, that is good news for small-batch businesses. For many customers, the satisfaction lies in the knowledge that the beverage they are sipping has been lovingly hand-crafted, or made using traditional methods without the interference of large, impersonal production processes. 

2. Originality

For many connoisseurs of small-batch liquor, the joy lies in finding that next unique blend of whisky, or an unusually flavored moonshine. Many small-batch drinks must be sourced and searched for – not the kind you just grab off the supermarket shelf. Browsing the shelves of the local liquor store can often result in finding a small batch, hand-crafted treasure, and this uniqueness is what appeals to discerning consumers. Small-batch breweries distilleries often release special batches that are limited in quantity to coincide with seasonal influences or events, making their alcohol offerings even more scarce and all the more desirable. 

3. Quality control

Small-batch distilling has become synonymous with quality, promising a product that is superior and more tightly controlled than its mass-produced counterparts. Smaller distilling means a closer inspection of less product, not to mention many small batch facilities use only top quality or locally sourced ingredients to make batches. Fewer chemicals and preservatives are used in the small-batch distilling process which appeals to customers who are conscious about what they put in their bodies, or those who are health conscious.  Small-batch distilleries are often highly transparent about the ingredients used in their products which brings customers reassurance and security when purchasing their small-batch liquor blends. 

4. Experimentation 

Making liquor in smaller quantities allows distillers the opportunity to experiment more with different blends and flavors. Giant liquor producers simply don’t have the agility to halt production and generate a new blend on a whim, factories and machinery simply can’t be cleaned and reset that fast. But with small-batch distilleries, opportunities for new creations abound. With less equipment and processing machinery to manage, small distillers can get creative and make test batches or limited products to release quickly onto the market. This can be helpful to test the popularity of new moonshine or whisky blends. 

Final words

In terms of quality, authenticity and originality, small batch products have the edge. Those who are seeking new and superior products are reaching for a bottle of small-batch liquor, choosing smaller names well-known and recognizable brands. Customer sentiment has moved away from the big producers in favor of small-batch distilleries that can bring them creative and fresh ideas along with distinctive or unrepeatable flavors.