We have fantastic news for all of our Walton’s fans! We have 5 liquor stores in your areas carrying MORE variety of Walton’s spirits!!!

– Louisburg is now carrying 750ml larger mason jars of Mag Walton’s Peach Shine
– Franklinton is now carrying 750ml larger mason jars of BOTH Kitty Walton’s Apple Pie Moonshine AND Mag Walton’s Peach Shine
– North Wilkesboro is now carrying 375ml medium sized bottles of E.M. Walton’s Corn Whiskey
– Woodfin is now carrying 750ml larger mason jars of Mag Walton’s Peach Shine
– Fletcher is now carrying 750ml larger mason jars of Kitty Walton’s Apple Pie Moonshine

Thank you all for your patronage and support as we continue to grow in the distillery business! Cheers y’all!