If you’re stuck out of work from the shutdowns, you can stop by your local liquor store and grab a jar or bottle of Walton’s and spend the day at home with ease!
The following stores have added more of our spirits:
- Pilot Mountain ABC Stores
- E.M. Walton’s Straight Bourbon Whiskey
- Pitt County ABC Stores
- 750ml Mag Walton’s Peach Shine
- Martin County ABC Stores
- E.M. Walton’s Straight Bourbon Whiskey
- Columbus ABC Stores
- 50ml Mag Walton’s Peach Shine
- 50ml Mag Walton’s Salted Caramel Moonshine
Stop in your local liquor store today and ask the store clerk where the Walton’s is. If they don’t have it, ask them why not?!